EudraLex - Volume 8
Maximum residue limits guidelines (MRL)

Volume 8 of the publications “The rules governing medicinal products in the European Union” contains guidance on the application of Council Regulation (EEC) No 2377/90, as amended, which provides the legal framework for the establishment of maximum residue limits (MRLs) for medicinal products for veterinary use. 

Notice to applicants and Guideline - Veterinary medicinal products - Establishment of maximum residue limits (MRLs) for residues of veterinary medicinal products in foodstuffs of animal origin

For the Council Regulation (EEC) N° 2377/90 of 26 June 1990 laying down a Community procedure for the establishment of maximum residue limits for veterinary medicinal products in foodstuffs of animal origin und updates see EudraLex Volume 5 >>.

Last update : 22 February 2012